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PUBG MOBILE – 2nd Anniversary 0.17.0 APK + OBB Download New Version 2020

Here we present PUBG MOBILE – 2nd Anniversary 0.17.0 APK + OBB file for Android 4.3+ and above. PUBG MOBILE – 2nd Anniversary game is included in the app store action category. This is the new and latest version of PUBG MOBILE – 2nd Anniversary (com.tencent.ig). Easy to download and install on your mobile phone. Free download from here and let’s enjoy gays.

We offer direct download link with high download speed. Please note that we only share the original, free and pure APK installer for PUBG MOBILE – 2nd Anniversary 0.17.0 APK + OBB without any modifications.

All applications and games are here for home or personal use only. If any apk file violates your copyright, please contact us. PUBG MOBILE – 2nd Anniversary is the property and trademark from the developer Tencent Games. You can visit the Tencent Games website to learn more about the company / developer who developed this.

PUBG MOBILE – 2nd Anniversary 0.17.0 Whats New?

Pubg mobile 2nd anniversary

2nd Anniversary is here with an Amusement Park at Erangel!
1) Join a match on Erangel for a chance to experience the Amusement Park.
2) Games and attractions include Shooting Range, Gashapon Machines, and a Trampoline!
3) Try out the Reverse Bungee – launch into the air to new heights!
Hardcore Mode
1) No sound prompts and manual actions are required to pick-up and open/close doors, all to give you a more realistic experience.

New UPDATE new VEHICLE new HARDCORE mode 0.17.0 in PUBG Mobile

PUBG Mobile 0.17.0 Death Cam Mod

Death Cam is now available in the PC version of PUBG and players are constantly asking to add it to PUBG Mobile. Apparently, the feature is added with the Pubg 0.17.0 update, which will let players see how their enemies have killed them.

PUBG Mobile Cold Extreme Mode

Cold Extreme Mode is the new survival mode in the PUBG Mobile 0.17.0 beta version. In this mode, players have to stay in the bitter cold by finding firewood and setting fire. Players can also hunt and eat animals and chickens during the “severe cold wave”. Gameplay will temporarily appear for the upcoming harsh cold wave, which will allow players to find shelter and prepare to stay alive.

Colour Blind Mode

During PMCO 2019 Fall Split Global Finals, Tencent announced that Color Blind Mode would be added to PUBG Mobile in 2020. Color Blind Mode is available in beta with a 0.17.0 update, making the game even easier

How to Download PUBG Mobile 0.17.0 APK?

PUBG Mobile 0.17.0 update is expected to arrive on end of January. For the 0.17.0 beta stage, anyone can install this update and try the new content for the next update for PUBG Mobile, these are the steps to install the Beta version of PUBG Mobile 0.17.0.

Download PUBG Mobile 0.17.0 APK Version 2020

Players can enjoy the BETA Version without uninstalling the standard version of PUBG Mobile. To take action from the Standard Edition, use PUBG Mobile from Apple Store or Play store.

Download latest version PUBG MOBILE – 2nd Anniversary Apk latest + OBB Data For Android with direct link


Download PUBG Mobile 0.17.0

PUBG Mobile 0.17.0 APK + OBB

PUBG MOBILE – 2nd Anniversary 0.17.0 APK + OBB


Game Name PUBG MOBILE_v 0.17.0
Package com.tencent.igce
Size 1.69 GB APK SIZE 47.2 MB
Latest Beta Version 0.17.0 (11700)
Minimum Android Version Required Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean MR2, API 18)
Update Year 3 March 2020
Category Android

How to Install PUBG MOBILE – 2nd Anniversary 0.17.0 APK + OBB on your android phone:

  • Place the APK file in your phone’s SDcard or Internal memory (preferably external SDcard).
  • Browse your phone memory/external memory and tap on the APK file.
  • Click ‘install’
  • Wait for the APK to install.
  • Do not run the application yet.
  • Copy the OBB folder to SDCard, ex: SDCARD/Android/obb/com.tencent.ig/obb_filename*

PUBG Mobile Retirements

Requires a stable internet connection.
PUBG MOBILE recommended system requirements: Android 5.1.1 or above and at least 2 GB memory. For other devices can try out PUBG MOBILE LITE.

About PUBG Game

Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds: PUBG is one of the most successful Battle Royale titles. In this action-packed multiplayer game, 100 players usually fight for survival alone or in teams on a map. Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds went through the Steam Early Access phase in March 2017 and version 1.0 was released in December 2017. The game has since appeared on several platforms (including: PC, XBOX One, PlayStation 4 and as PUBG Mobile for smartphones).

Stay tuned to PoruaKOsh for the latest PUBG patch notes, and content drop news for the game.

Thanks ALL.

from WizBD.Com


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