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Latest SHAREit Lite Apk Dark Mode Version Free Download

Latest SHAREit Lite Apk Dark Mode Version Free Download

Hello gay’s? What’s up all. I hope you are well. So guy’s today I am very excited. Because Today we will share with your Latest SHAREit Lite Apk Dark Mode Version Free Download 2020. So let’s begin.

SHAREit is very popular app for all android user for file sharing. But SHAREit Lite apk is more faster than SHAREit apk. Many of android user is now using SHAREit Lite Apk. So today we will share Latest Share Lite Apk With Dark Mode Version. Dark mode is now more popular feature for android apps. Today we will share that SHAREit Lite apk this is not OFFIACIAL Apk. Our team was mode this SHAREit Lite Apk with Dark Mode Feature. Thats are looking awesome.

2019-2020 means that all apps want Dark Mode. If I install a new app on the phone, then if I see that the developer has not given the Night Mode / Dark Mode feature on the app, then it gets worse. And I’m looking for Apter Dark mode on Google. So an app like SHAREit .. which was blue in the past, is now giving white color everywhere. Which is very annoying. But from now on, this resentment will not have to go away. We made the SHAREit Lite Apk mode fully dark mode.

I tried to darken SHAREit’s original app but Alas !!! Didn’t work. I apologize in advance for not making this post bigger. So i’m sorry and going to share Latest SHAREit Lite Apk Dark Mode Version With Free Download Link.

SHAREit Lite Apk Features

Developed by SHAREit team, SHAREit Lite extend the SHAREit experience to a new level. SHAREit Lite enable users to transfer photos, videos, music, any files with friends “face to face OR far away”, and no limitation on file type or file size or number of files.

Now See SHAREit Lite Dark Mode Version Apk Main Features

This SHAREit Lite Mod Apk All Option are 100% Working & Tested. You can just try it.

100% SHAREit Transfer any files face to face with friends, no Internet needed, with lighting speed.

Share Anytime
Not face to face? It’s OK.
SHAERit Lite let you keep in touch with friends, you can share any files at anytime.
funny videos, hot movies, trending music, happy photos, share with friends easily whenever you want.

Chat & Group Chat
Text messaging with great file sharing, whether 1 to 1 chat or group chat.

Any File Type
Transfer all types of files without losing quality: photo, video , ebook, docs, music, apk, zip, txt, etc.

Any File Size
Share movies, videos, photos, music, apps, documents and any other file types of unlimited file size.

Any Number of Files
Send many files as one collection: photo album, video collection, music album, movie collection, documents, etc.

Save Files to Your Own Library
Save whatever you like to your own library.
Friends sent you a lot of funny videos or movies? It’s OK, save it to your library and check it back whenever you want.

What’s new On This SHAREit LIte Apk?

• You can find more ways to join a group

• Optimized app experience

• Fix bugs

• Full dark mode

That’s it. If you like this SHAREit Lite Apk Dark Mode Version now you can free & easy download from direct download link.

Latest SHAREit Lite Apk Dark Mode Version Free Download

Name: SHAREit Lite Apk Dark Mode Version

Version: 2.2.48(5020248)

File Size: 11.38 MB

Uploads On: Google Drive

Download Link: Latest SHAREit Lite Apk Dark Mode Version Free Download

So Download Now SHAREit Lite Apk and Enjoy IT.

Today the post is much shorter. As I said earlier, I apologize for today’s post being short. However, if friends do not like the post, please do not comment at any time and leave with a report. And if you make a bad comment today, you will get the answer right. If you like the post, give it a like. Many thanks for reading this post. Visit PoruaKosh.Com regularly. So far this day. Everyone will be fine

Thanks ALL.

from WizBD.Com


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